Denver Baseball GM's Repplinger & Bridich

Countdown to Opening Day - Denver Browns - Did You Know???

Did You Know??? Colorado Rockies GM Jeff Bridich played one season with Denver Browns Hall of Fame Manager Mike Onisko? The 2004 Colorado Reds also featuring Denver Browns Hall of Fame 3rd Baseman Matthew Jerebker had one recent former Harvard catcher named Jeff Bridich. Interesting tidbit Jeff wasn’t the starting catcher as he joined a team that featured another former Harvard catcher that beat him out in college and then again in the semi pro NABA... a huge coincidence unfolded when Jeff looked down the bench and once again saw his old teammate Scott Hopps putting on the gear, true story. Denver Browns Opening Day Sunday April 11th - Colorado Rockies Opening Day April 1st vs the World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers - Get your tickets to the Denver Browns Opening Day today and Support Local Baseball!

  • (Then) Colorado Reds Manager Mike Onisko
  • 2004 Colorado Reds
  • The Mighty Jerebker
  • Colorado Reds

Colorado Reds Circa 2000's